I have never been much of a PC gamer, as I've made clear in the past. More recently my experience with PCs, specifically laptop-based gaming, has been limited to demoing console releases via the OnLive streaming service. By no means a perfect replacement for either consoles or PCs, the service still offers a novel approach to this generation's gaming options. During one of my several timed demos with OnLive, I sampled a good 25-30 minutes of The Witcher. A surprise hit during its original release, The Witcher gathered a substantial following thanks to the craftsmanship of Polish developer CDProjekt; a unique blend of mature story and sophisticated combat mechanics.
A few years down the road a sequel was released, which enhanced the Witcher's tight combat/magic controls and added to the deep lore of the original. The resulting game was another very polished (Polish'ed?) release from a still relatively unknown Eastern European developer. With my total experience limited to a taste of what the series had to offer I knew I had two choices: buy a better laptop, or pray for a console release.
How many Polish developers does it take to ship a smash-hit RPG?